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      PLAYBOY 品牌故事
      發布人:PLAYBOY 瀏覽: 發布時間:2011年12月1日
          PLAYBOY 品牌故事;
      PLAYBOY 由美國人Hugh Hefner(.赫夫納)1953年所創。
      PLAYBOY is created by an American named Hugh Hefner in 1953.
      PLAYBOY is listed as one of the top three brands in the world by New York Times of America.
      PLAYBOY writing instruments successfully absorb the excellent American culture tradition – the ingenious creativity, advanced machine-manufacturing and exquisite hand-making skills.
      Each design is taken charge by internationally famous designers and elaborately made of high quality material with world advanced pen-making skills. All of these make it a well-known brand in the international pens line and also fully embody the superior characteristics of PLAYBOY writing instruments.
      PLAYBOY represents a most valuable living philosophy of dignity being talent, noble-hearted and the leader of fashion.


        本文由廣州禮域商務禮品公司發布,轉載請注明本文地址: http://www.tokyocoder.com/news/b224.htm